Hinfo vs. In-Room Printed Hotel Compendiums

Hinfo opens a world of possibilities for your guests to communicate with you and stay informed during their stay, compared to printed hotel compendiums

Your property is very likely using in-room printed compendiums to inform your guests about the amenities and services available at your property and in the local area.

Even in this post-pandemic world, printed compendiums have not become any easier to maintain, both in terms of being a contact-free solution and updating the valuable information provided in each, with ease.

By the end of this blog post, you will have a solid understanding of what our Hinfo Guest Digital Compendium has to offer, that is not possible with printed hotel compendiums, along with its value proposition.

Guest Access Anywhere

Hinfo is accessible on all the electronic devices your guests bring to your property via our mobile app and web-based solution.

All your guests’ smartphones, tablets, laptop computers etc. can now access your property and local area details/services from anywhere.

With guests carrying their smartphones everywhere they go and 97% of guests accessing our service via their smartphone, providing an easily accessible solution to your guests is now more viable than ever before.

Fully Contactless Solution

In this post pandemic world, the printed compendiums you provide in each guest room are less than ideal for on-going maintenance.

Transitioning from a quick clean of each folder to now needing to thoroughly clean each compendium (including plastic pockets), your property would now be investing more unnecessary time and labour to keep them clean and sanitized, along with cleaning everything else thoroughly in each room.

At Hinfo, we believe that minimizing the number of surfaces you need to clean thoroughly on every guest changeover, will result in improved time efficiency and less stress for your housekeeping staff.

Unlimited Information Updates with Auto Delivery

Printed compendiums are notorious for being outdated shortly after being placed in each guest room.

Factoring in the major time, cost, and labour to update any amount of details in all rooms manually, is commonly a turn-off from making sure guests have the most accurate details in-front of them. This is true even if it is just a simple phone number change for a local attraction or updated pricing for your room service menu.

Hinfo includes support for unlimited information updates which addresses the cost aspect of this issue.

All information updates are also delivered instantly to all your guests, which eliminates the time and labour factors of updating details.

Now your property can focus more on constantly providing up to date information, rather than allocating time to update any number of details, manually in each room.

Individual Access for Every Single Guest

As of mid 2021, there are now over 4.6 billion smartphones and tablets in use regularly worldwide.

Your guests are already bringing their own devices to use during their stay, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

This means your guests no longer need to huddle around the single printed compendium or wait their turn, to view the details most important to them.

Environmentally Friendly

A growing trend in the last decade is to become more environmentally sustainable for everything in our daily lives.

With our Hinfo service being accessible from the devices your guests already own, there is no longer a need to provide dedicated binder folders or other hardware, just to improve communication with your guests during their stay.

Not only will upgrading to our Hinfo service preserve these materials, but also eliminate the need to replace them after significant wear and tear.

Guest Messaging

Hinfo allows your guests to send a message to your reception staff, from anywhere, by providing only their first name and room number.

This provides your guests the option of not needing to go to reception to ask a quick question and both your staff and guests can respond in their own time.

Multiple Languages

Supporting multiple languages for your hotel compendiums, no longer requires using additional resources in each guest room.

To support more than just English in your hotel compendiums, there are 3 components to achieve this.

  1. Time and cost to translate to each language,
  2. Additional resources needed in each room, and
  3. Time and labour to deliver details to each guest room.

Our Hinfo service has an optional Auto Translate service for 15 languages besides English we support, which addresses the first component.

Publishing the updates via our cloud-based solution, delivers the details directly to your guest’s devices, which also eliminates points 2 and 3 above.


All printable content is static content.

This is especially important when specific information is time sensitive.

Hinfo allows you to schedule notifications ahead of time to make guests aware when they matter most, wherever they are.

For example, promoting your specials at your in-house restaurant, 1–2 hours before dinner service.

Keyword Search

No two properties use the same headings and terminology for their compendium details.

With printed compendiums today, your guests may be flipping back and forth between all the pages of content you provide, trying to find the exact details they are looking for.

With keyword search built into our digital compendium, your guests can now search for the details they are looking for, which is a faster way to find the exact details they are looking for.

Dial Phone Numbers, Get Directions and View Webpages Instantly

If guests want to learn more about a local restaurant listed in your printed compendiums by visiting their website, then phone to book a table and/or look up driving/walking directions to that restaurant, what is the first thing they would do for each of these?

They would immediately grab their smartphone!

Hinfo allows your guests to view webpages, get directions and dial phone numbers instantly, for all local places/events and services listed, creating a more seamless experience.

Guest Usage Analytics

Traditional printed compendiums cannot provide you valuable analytics on the level of engagement your compendium details are receiving.

Hinfo provides your property management useful statistics based on the number of guests viewing your property on our service, how many views for each section/local attraction etc.

These details are all provided in an anonymous statistical manner, that also respects your guest’s privacy.

Cost Comparison

Now that you understand what is unique with our hotel compendium format compared to printed compendiums, you must be thinking this has to come at a premium.

This is not the case at all, because we can provide you an upgrade that is better value for money overall, by eliminating the need for any costly resources to be provided in each of your guest rooms.

To conclude, the cost of Hinfo is on-par or significantly less than printed compendiums (depending on your property size). You also receive several unique benefits that reduced time and labour for your management, whilst also increasing ease of access for guests.

To learn more about our Hinfo service via a copy of our beginner’s guide or request a demo, please send us an enquiry on our website.


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